Yesterday, December 21, winter officially started. Most of Estonia’s lakes are covered with ice, and the cold of the next few days should increase the thickness of the ice. The first wintersurf test event was here at December 11, in Topu. The first competition stage of the Wintersurf Games, Estonian event series, will start in the near future. So winter is here, and the season is on!
Early good ice is a good sign -seems like a wonderful winter surf season is coming and the perfect WISSA 2022 event is expected. The Ice and Snow Sailing World Championships are open for three main classes – sleds, wings and kites. All classes have some disciplines and/or divisions. The race committee has no priority like slalom or long distance, or kite or sled. The goal is to organize a fair and safe competition for all of you. At the moment we have the plan, what is published as Notice of Race. The latest at the beginning of February will show, how many competitors have paid for the registration in some class or division and then we can specify the WISSA 2022 goals and activities. So welcome to register for the event WISSA 2022!
The entry shall be made online by filling the Entry Form ( AND paying the entry fee. The entry fee can be paid by major credit cards or invoice.
Attention! The entry fee before the 1st of January is for adults 175€ and youth 120€.
And, of course, enjoy the holiday season!